COSTHA Delivers Knowledge, Resources, and Opportunities

Member Dues Power COSTHA’s Services

COSTHA leverages member dues to provide essential tools and services to keep your company informed, compliant, and minimize operational disruptions.

COSTHA Delivers:

  • Support from top industry experts and consultants, including COSTHA’s transportation attorney.
  • Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status at the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on Dangerous Goods and Joint Meeting (RID/ADR/ADN), influencing regulations and protecting member interests.
  • Leadership in global working groups, including the Informal Working Group on Lithium Batteries and currently serves as the Secretary for the group.
  • Active participation in Transport Canada and key advisory councils, keeping members ahead of regulatory changes.
    • COSTHA is an active member of the following groups: Transportation of Dangerous Goods General Policy Advisory Council (GPAC), Multi-Association Committee on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (MACTDG) (Canada), US - Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC), Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) Committee on TDG Competencies, and CGSB Committee on Small Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods
  • Timely publications like the COSTHA Chronicle, the COSTHA Post eNewsletter, regulatory bulletins, and more.
  • Networking opportunities at membership meetings and the COSTHA Annual Forum.
  • A searchable library of regulatory information and access to updated compliance resources.
  • Opportunities to influence effective changes in hazmat/dg regulations.
  • As a member COSTHA, you have the opportunity to shape the future of your industry by serving on working groups, committees, and initiatives
  • In addition to timely updates, you’ll have access to our staff of leading regulatory experts who stand ready to answer your toughest compliance questions.

COSTHA makes your job easier, saving you time and money while protecting your interests.

Join COSTHA: For over 50 years, COSTHA has been proud to serve its members, with a 98% retention rate. Experience the value of membership - join today.

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