COSTHA Membership Committees & Initiatives

As a member of COSTHA, you can shape the future of your industry by actively participating in roundtables, working groups, and committees. These groups evolve as member challenges arise to collaborate for solutions that benefit the regulated industry. Active groups maintain a report of their objectives, accomplishments, history, etc. available here.

Interested in joining a group, email 

Association Management Committees:

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at COSTHA are experienced experts in hazardous materials / dangerous goods transportation and regulations.


Finance Committee

COSTHA’s Finance Committee is comprised of volunteer members from the Board of Directors. This committee ensures smooth operations by developing budgets and meeting monthly. The diligence of this committee enables COSTHA to continue to grow and take on new projects and services to benefit the members.


Issue-Driven Working Groups:

Aerosol Working Group (currently inactive)

The Aerosol Working Group is currently inactive, awaiting PHMSA testing determination / report. Historically, the group has focused on test conditions for aerosols at the UN and under 49 CFR. There are no meetings planned for this group at this time.


Battery Working Group

The Battery Working Group members meet to discuss current transport issues, regulations, enforcement trends, and new technologies regarding batteries and devices. Their efforts support the UN Informal Working Group on Lithium Batteries.


DG Supply Chain Logistics / Transportation Panel

The Dangerous Goods Supply Chain Logistics Transportation Panel formed to address key issues including awareness / education, vessel port restrictions / issues, and more.


Explosives Working Group

The Explosives Working Group will tackle challenges faced by manufacturers and shippers such as testing costs and transport obstacles. This group provides an opportunity to meet with regulators to discuss explosives-related issues.


Life Sciences Roundtable

The Life Sciences industry includes fields like pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, cosmetics, and more. This group tackles global transportation challenges include packaging, cold chain logistics, and trade compliance.


COSTHA's International Influence:

Canada Working Group

The Canada Working Group is essential for members operating in Canada or shipping to/from Canada. The group collaborates with several stakeholder groups in Transport Canada and COSTHA’s representation on the GPAC and MACTDG translates to advance notice of proposed regulations and the ability to advise on potential impact to industry.


China Working Group

The China Working Group addresses TDG regulations in China and engages with key industry and governmental stakeholders, including an established delegation to participate in the US-DOT – China MOT Transportation Forums.


Mexico Working Group

The Mexico Working Group provides an avenue for members with facilities in Mexico to get answers questions concerning transportation and reciprocity. COSTHA participates in the Mexico SICT Subcommittee No. 1 Ground Transport of Hazardous Materials and Residues and the SICT Working Group where we encourage alignment with the UN Model regulations and updates to the NOMs.


Collaboration to Influence Regulations:

Air Carrier Roundtable (ACRT)

The ACRT is dedicated to ensuring the safe and efficient transport of hazardous materials / dangerous goods in the aviation industry through petitions, regulatory comments, education and more. The group actively collaborates with regulators (PHMSA/FAA) and industry partners to advocate for regulatory alignment and clarification.
Application and Policy for ACRT Membership and Meeting Attendance


North American Automotive HazMat Action Committee (NAAHAC)

NAAHAC is comprised of global automotive companies and their key suppliers. This group focuses on developing informed responses to hazmat / dangerous goods regulations and works to educate regulators and propose realistic solutions.


US Postal Service Group

COSTHA is proud of its working relationship with the USPS and the Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) keeping members informed of mailing requirements and changes in mailing standards. COSTHA participates with the US Postal Service Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) and responds to USPS rulemakings for regulatory alignment with the US DOT regulations and petitions for ongoing harmonization.



Enhancing the Image of the Hazmat/DG Professional Membership Initiative (EIHM/DGP)

COSTHA has reengaged their EIHM/DGP initiative to elevate recognition for this critical function within companies, the industry, government, and the general public. Through this initiative, members have access to educational and professional development sessions, job description and salary surveys, mentoring programs, and more.