2025 COSTHA Forum | Training Schedule

*Training Schedule

Trainer Biographies


Multimodal Transportation of Lithium Batteries




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET) 

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Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants)  








This course covers in depth and up-to-date information on how to ship Excepted and Fully Regulated Lithium Batteries for ground, air, and ocean transport. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, the IMDG Code.
  • Understand shipper and operator responsibilities.
  • Identify the nine hazard classes.
  • Select a proper shipping name.
  • Safely package lithium batteries
  • Correctly apply any marks and/or labels to each package of excepted and fully regulated lithium batteries.
  • Correctly complete any required documentation for excepted and fully regulated lithium batteries
  • Understand UN specification packaging marks and the importance of using the packagings properly for fully regulated lithium batteries

Prerequisite: General & Security Awareness Training, Previous experience with shipment of lithium batteries

Course Materials: A comprehensive compliance reference and exercise book will be provided.

Pamela Jones

Dangerous Goods Specialist

DGI Training








Packaging Selection & Testing and Best Management Practices




8:00am – 12:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Break includes:































This course will review and discuss the areas listed below and provide a perspective of the critical information required for a 3rd Party Test Lab, Packaging Supplier and Shipper to work together to ensure the proper packaging system is selected for transportation.

Introduction/Overview of Regulations

  • Introduction & Brief Overview of Regulations
  • General Packaging Requirements
  • Dangerous Goods Material Packaging Types

UN Specification Packaging

  • Overview of Test Requirements and Packaging Testing Procedures
  • Selective Testing Variations
  • How to Determine if Packaging is Properly Manufactured and Tested
  • Analyze Packaging Testing Samples

Non-Specification Packaging

  • Limited Quantity Requirement
  • Additional Packaging Requirements for Air Shipments


Prerequisite: General & Security Awareness Training



















Steve Brion

Training Manager

TEN-E Packaging Services

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Susan Hauge

Hazmat Trainer

TEN-E Packaging Services

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Rachel Piecknick

Process Engineer

Dangerous Goods, A Division of Berlin Packaging

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Stephen Sowa

Senior Director of Sales

Dangerous Goods, A Division of Berlin Packaging


Cargo Safety & Security/Blocking & Bracing -
Ground & Rail US & IMDG Code




1:00pm – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Break includes:









The course will focus on the applicable laws and regulations, training requirements, best management practices of blocking and bracing techniques and freight container structural serviceability as it relates to Title 49 and the IMDG Code. 

The course provides guidance to those responsible for blocking and bracing/cargo securement on compliance requirements and this may help to minimize frustrated shipments, out of service orders, spills, and clean-up costs, related to improper securement. 

  • Selection of authorized cargo transport units
  • Cargo stowage pattern optimization
  • Properly block and brace packages to prevent shifting within the container

A must for employees who load containers and certify compliance with the container packing requirements of the regulations.

Pre-requisite: N/A 

 Robert Harris

Deputy Chief Surveyor - Pacific Ports

National Cargo Bureau







Advanced Air Dangerous Goods Recurrent 




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants






This course provides students with a refresher in the knowledge to read and apply the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, as well as how to comply with new requirements in the 66th Edition (excluding radioactive material). It will cover terms and definitions, proper shipping names, hazard classes, identification numbers, packing groups, state and operator variations, packaging, labeling, marking, and certification of shipping documents.

The course is taught using a combination of lectures, visual aids, exercises, and question and answer opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course and after passing an exam, students will receive a training certificate.

Prerequisite: General & Security Awareness Training, Initial Air Training

Course Materials: A comprehensive compliance reference and exercise book will be provided. Students will be required to have a current copy of the IATA DGR Edition 66. See registration page to purchase a book.

Tracie Cady

Regulatory Specialist - Contractor

Bureau of Dangerous Goods




ADR 2025: Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road - Recurrent




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants)






This function-specific course is designed for those requiring knowledge of the regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods by road throughout countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. The training will cover the fundamental and important aspects of these regulations, including exemptions and limited quantities, classification, use of Tables A & B in Part 3, packing instructions, mixed packing, tank transport, marking, labeling, and documentation by following the changes in the 2025 edition.

The course is taught using a combination of lectures, exercises, and question and answer opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course and after passing an exam, students will receive a training certificate.

Pre-requisite: Initial ADR Training

Course Materials: Students will be required to have access to the online ADR 2025 regulations, or bring their own books. 

Julie Prescott, DGSA

Sr. Regulatory Compliance Specialist  


Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/Staff Photos/Julie Prescott.JPG




Canada: Transport Dangerous Goods Canada Regulations (TDGR) - Compare with 49 CFR




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants










The Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR) and US Hazardous Materials Regulations of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) are similar, but not identical; most variations, but not all of them, are dealt with by a reciprocal agreement that establishes procedures for cross-border shipments.

This training program will provide an overview of the TDGR regulations and identify areas where reciprocity does and does not apply. TDGR Training is mandatory for all personnel preparing shipments, shipping, or receiving hazardous materials/dangerous goods within, to, or from Canada. The course is taught using a combination of lectures, visual aids, exercises, and question and answer opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course and after passing an exam, students will receive a training certificate.

Presentation to include real life scenarios for dangerous goods shipments based on Transport Canada TDGR regulations (i.e., US to Canada, Canada to US, within Canada, when received by other mode (i.e., air or water) then ship within Canada).

Pre-requisite: Familiarity with 49 CFR

Course Materials: Students will be required to have access to the online TDGR Canada regulations and access to the 49 CFR (October 1, 2024) book or access to the online e-CFR.

Rebecca Spaulding

Senior Consultant

Environmental Resource Center









49 CFR Recurrent




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants





This course provides students with a comprehensive recurrent course on 49 CFR regulations to deliver function specific training for hazardous materials employees on the transport of non-bulk and non-radioactive dangerous goods by ground within the US. This course is designed to meet the regulatory training standards set out in 49 CFR §172.704, for hazmat employees engaged in offering non-bulk hazardous materials for highway transportation.

The course is taught using a combination of lectures, visual aids, exercises, and question and answer opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course and after passing an exam, students will receive a training certificate.

Prerequisite: Initial 49 CFR Training

Course Materials: Students will be required to have access to the current copy of the 49 CFR (October 1, 2024) book or access to the online e-CFR.

Richard Trester

Sr. Safety Consultant

J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.




Mexican NOMs Compare with 49 CFR




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants)















This course will help navigate the ground transport regulations of hazardous materials and waste, as regulated by SICT (Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation) in Mexico and review the requirements for Mexican NOMs (Official Mexican Standard). The course will also address training requirements from SICT and STPS (Secretary of Labor and Social Security).

All states within Mexico have adopted the NOMs as the regulations for transportation across Mexico. Therefore, these regulations are enforced not only by federal authorities but also by state authorities. If your organization ships hazardous materials between the US and Mexico, this course will help you understand the nuances of compliance with both sets of regulations (Mexican NOMs and 49 CFR) and help keep you in compliance.

This course will include updates of several NOMS made during 2024.

This course will include the differences between the Mexican NOMs and 49 CFR regulations.

The course is taught using a combination of lectures, visual aids, exercises, and question and answer opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course and after passing an exam, students will receive a training certificate.

Prerequisite: General & Security Awareness Training, Familiarity with 49 CFR

Course Materials: 
A Comprehensive translation of the applicable NOMs in PDF file will be provided as well as participants booklet with practical exercises. Students will be required to have a current copy of the 49 CFR (October 1, 2024) book or access to the online e-CFR.

LIN. J. Antonio Perea Perches

CDGP - IATA DGR Instructor - Director - CIFFA 

Global Gate Mexico (GGM)













IMDG Code: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code Advanced Recurrent (Amd. 42-24)




8:00am – 5:00pm (ET)

-- -- --

Breaks include:
coffee (morning)
soda (afternoon)

Lunch on your own (plan ahead, local restaurants













This Recurrent Training course will cover the major changes and revisions of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, Amendment 42-24. This course is designed for shippers, freight forwarders, third-party logistics entities, carriers, and other hazardous materials / dangerous goods professionals preparing DG shipments for transport by sea.

Function-specific topics include enforcement, classification, use of the IMDG Code’s List of Dangerous Goods, packaging of dangerous goods, loading of cargo transport units, marking, labeling, placarding, documentation, stowage, and segregation.

The course is taught using a combination of lectures, visual aids, exercises, and question and answer opportunities. Upon successful completion of the course and after passing an exam, students will receive a training certificate.

Prerequisite: 49 CFR Training (General Awareness, Function Specific, Safety, Security Awareness and In-Depth Security); Initial IMDG Code Training

Course Materials: Students will be required to have the current copy of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code Book (Amendment 42-24). See registration page to purchase a book.





Ben Barrett, P.E.

Senior Consultant, founder and owner of:

DG Advisor, LLC

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Adam Burks


DG Advisor, LLC

*may be subject to change